The recovery
The recovery is one of the most important states by passing the athlete, either at the end of the daily training or competition. It recovered all substrates oxidation lost during the performance of work and restored energy sources over the potential that was to begin the activity.
Since then, while shorter the time that the body uses to recover, the greater the efficiency of this process, achieving well that the process of synthesis of substances lost is made faster and the body reaches the full restoration of its internal balance or homeostasis in unison for the increase of its physical capacity for work, without affecting the health of the athlete.
The following are short of some measures that accelerate the recovery of the athlete:
1. Food: There must be a balance between the calories it provides the daily ration and energy expenditure experienced in addition include foods of different groups (energy, plastics and regulators). Should take into account the supply of dietary factors before the start, during the event and to conclude it (until 15 minutes after it is effective).
2. Active rest: The most effective exercises proposed relaxation of the muscles resulting in a relative increase in the movement for the transport of lactic acid in the muscles of the disposal sites. Cyclic being recommended exercises the following day because of large liquid loads faster depletion.
3. Rest liabilities: I dream at night because in the cerebral cortex is spread inhibition that forms a protective regeneration of nerve cells, lie down or sit between training exercises.
4. Doctors biological means: That eliminated more quickly to acute forms of local and general fatigue, restore energy resources efficiently and even increase C. F. T. Ex. Steam baths and air-dry, massages general, manual or by water jets, and so on.
Authors: Lic. Fidelina Maira Diaz Hernandez (Lic. Senior Lecturer in Biology and Biochemistry of Sport) Lic. Angela Isabel Carabeo Delgado (Lic. in Biology. Specialty Physiology University of Ciego de Avila (Cuba) Excerpt from Digital Magazine - Buenos Aires - Year 7 - No. 41 - October 2001 To see complete note:
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