

The men and women who want to improve their physical condition or have a healthy lifestyle are facing a common enemy: air pollution. In days of high pollution, those who play sports or outdoor activities are exposed to respiratory problems. The cardiovascular activity generates increased demand for oxygen. If the air does not have the proper purity, the body will absorb particulate material that will remain in the airways.

The contamination occurs in a progressive damage the respiratory system. A similar injury to the athlete who starts to smoke.

To tackle the problem, many prefer indoor sports. It is important that when choosing a place to learn if you have good ventilation system, with filters that reduce the income of particulate matter.

By bringing in an isolated environment (make drums), keep windows and doors closed acquires great importance. Both outdoor and indoor best time for sport in the city is in the mornings, when it has not yet started the movement of vehicles that are damaging the quality of the environment.

Breathe polluted air reduces the intelligence of children Bibliomed, Inc. (Reuters Health, by Anne Harding)

Children who live in neighborhoods with high contamination by gases from automobiles have an intelligence quotient (IQ) lower and get worse results in tests of intelligence and memory that the kids who breathe clean air, a study showed.

The effect of pollution on intelligence was similar to having children of women who smoke 10 cigarettes a day during pregnancy or children who have been exposed to lead, told Reuters Health the study's lead author, Dr. Shakira Franco Suglia , School of Public Health at Harvard.

SOURCE: American Journal of Epidemiology, February 1, 2008

The air in your home can help maintain good health for you and your family. And to help you breathe more easily.